This is where you copy license file from the CD to hard disk. I have no idea how to install the Archestra and Intouch licenses. Wonderware Install & Licenses LIVE PLC Questions And Answers. In this case you will not actually receive a file, instead the license will be generated online using the ITME software and your credentials on the Wonderware website. A softkey is used by InTouch Machine Edition (ITME), which uses the MAC address of the PC you are on, then does an online activation. Wonderware Intouch 10.1 License File > DOWNLOAD. 4 min - Uploaded by PLC AutomationHere is the update Link: %20Intouch. When receiving InTouch 10.5 licenses, you will receive a wwsuite.lic license file and an archestra.lic license file. Wonderware Intouch 10.1 License File ->->-> DOWNLOAD Wonderware intouch file extensions, wonderware intouch file types, wonderware intouch file select, wonderware intouch 10.1 license file, wonderware intouch license file location, wonderware intouch lock file, wonderware intouch 10 license file, wonderware intouch 10.0 license file, wonderware intouch 10.1 license file download, wonderware intouch license file, wonderware intouch log file, wonderware intouch project files, wonderware intouch alarm file,